Designed for Personal Drummer. Requires Beatbuddy MANAGER SOFTWARE TO LOAD It.



You don’t need a BeatBuddy to purchase these beats, the same way you don’t need a car to purchase car tires. However, as it goes with a car and tires, you’ll need a BeatBuddy to play those beats.

All products sold at the Premium Library are strickly digital, virtual and downloadable. No physical products will be shipped. Upon purchase, you will have instant access to download your files.


For single songs, beat packages and individual drumsets, you will need BeatBuddy Manager Software. Each purchased package comes with clear to follow, step-by-step instructions in a PDF file. You can also watch the videos on our TUTORIALS page.


Complete Collection 2021

you can simply copy the entire project onto a blank SD Card. Please watch video #2 on the tutorials page.

Beats are musical performances that were either recorded or programmed into a MIDI file format. Drum sets are collections of individual drum samples that were compiled together to create harmonious sets. Drum beats are used to trigger playback of sounds contained within drum sets.  A simple analogy:  Beats are like sheet music telling the musician what to play and drum sets are the instrument that actually produce the sound according to the sheet music.

Yes! That’s why we make account creation mandatory during the purchase phase. You will always be able to download the files you bought from “My Account” section of the website.

Please see our BLOG section for the latest version and update instructions.

To find beats for a particular music genre, style, band, artist, or drummer, please use the search function in the website header. Because there is no standardized naming for a lot of drum beats, the only way is to take a listen to audio demos of the packages. Each package contains an audio demo of drum beats included within.

The keyword here is “YET”! We produce all of our content based on the popularity of requests. Please submit your request here and if there is enough interest in it from other BeatBuddy users, we’ll be sure to make it.

You sure can! You’ll need to use a MIDI sequencer such as Cubase, Logic Pro or similar to create MIDI files for each drum beat and drum fill you would like to use. Then, you’ll need to use the BeatBuddy Manager to arrange the MIDI files into BeatBuddy songs in order order to load them onto your BeatBuddy.

Because it is a tedious, time-consuming work, we have created this Premium Library to make it easier for you to spend more time playing music and less time figuring out how to program a drum beat.

Due to nature of digital content, no, you can’t. We have provided demos of all beats included with each package, so please review them carefully prior to making a purchase.

The BeatBuddy does come included with a lot of default content. However, there is so much more that your BeatBuddy is capable of playing. This is your opportunity to take your BeatBuddy into new uncharted territories.


No. As per our terms and conditions of use, all content purchased is for a single user. We spend significant amounts of work creating this content, and without paying customers such as yourself, we can’t continue to make more.